Okay so i know virtually no one looks at this blog right now but i thought id create some kind of generic cheesy feature for my own personal thrills...so my mighty first track of the night is:

FrankMusik / When You're Around
Finally received FrankMusik's debut Complete Me today in a battered form courtesy of Play.com and i have to say he has made a BEAST of an album (a PROPER review will feature soon so watch out NME!) To sum it up When You're Around is basically The Stranglers "Golden Brown" (the songs sample) on acid. The whole thing is like an epic headrush. The track clocks in at a neat 2 minutes and 52 seconds and in this space of time Frank hurls us through a wave of cut copy stop start synths and samples which basically kick your butt into another stratosphere. The verses are snappy and not over-egged while the chorus is big, HUMONGOUS in fact. It doesn't try to be any kind of analytical philosophical guff it's just one giant celebration of the company of a loved one: "I'm never down when you're around" - that's all there is to it. AMAZING. Oh and i mustnt forget to mention the incredible breakdown near the end where theres kind of this i dunno how to describe it like a tribal siren type thing and everything goes slow then speeds up again...just indescribable unadultered ABANDON.
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